How Long Does A Brow Lift Last?

By: Dr. Cong Ivy Ran


If you're considering a brow lift, also known as a forehead lift or browplasty, you might wonder how long the results can last. A brow lift is a popular cosmetic surgery designed to raise the eyebrows, reduce forehead wrinkles, and create a more youthful appearance. Typically, the effects of a brow lift can last 5 – 10 years. However, like all cosmetic procedures, the longevity of the results depends on several factors. Dr. Cong Ivy Ran at FlowMD Aesthetic Center & Ran Plastic Surgery in Los Angeles, CA provides knowledgeable guidance to help you understand what to expect from brow lift surgery.

What factors affect the longevity of a browplasty?

The results of a brow lift can last different lengths of time depending on several personal factors. Age, skin quality, and lifestyle choices all play a part in how long the effects will last. Younger patients with more elastic skin often enjoy longer-lasting results, while older individuals with less skin elasticity may see the effects fade sooner. Additionally, habits like smoking, sun exposure, and diet can affect your skin's health and the longevity of the lift. To help your brow lift results last longer:

  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet and regular exercise
  • Protect your skin from the sun using sunscreen and wearing protective clothing
  • Avoid smoking and limit alcohol to preserve your skin's elasticity

Following these tips can help you enjoy the youthful effects of a brow lift for longer.

How does the type of lift procedure impact results?

The type of brow lift surgery you choose will affect how long the results last. There are several techniques available, each with its own benefits. An endoscopic brow lift is less invasive, featuring smaller incisions and a quicker recovery, but its results may not last as long as those from a traditional brow lift. A traditional brow lift involves a more extensive approach and can provide longer-lasting results, particularly if you have significant sagging or deeper forehead wrinkles. Dr. Ran will help you select the most appropriate procedure based on your skin type, age, and aesthetic goals to ensure the best possible outcome.

Can maintenance treatments extend brow lift results?

Maintenance treatments can help extend the results of your brow lift. Nonsurgical treatments such as BOTOX® or dermal fillers can maintain a lifted appearance by relaxing forehead muscles and filling in new lines that may develop over time. Regular skin care routines, including moisturizers and anti-aging products, can also contribute to maintaining your skin's appearance. Popular maintenance options include:

  • BOTOX injections to reduce dynamic wrinkles caused by facial expressions
  • Dermal fillers to add volume and smooth out fine lines
  • Regular skin care regimens to nourish and protect the skin

These treatments can be tailored to your needs to ensure your brow lift results remain fresh and youthful.

Enhance your appearance with a brow lift in Los Angeles, CA

If you want to rejuvenate your appearance and achieve a more youthful, refreshed look, schedule a consultation with Dr. Cong Ivy Ran at FlowMD Aesthetic Center & Ran Plastic Surgery in Los Angeles, CA. Dr. Ran is experienced in performing brow lifts and can help determine the ideal approach to help meet your needs. Contact us today to learn more about how brow lift surgery can help you achieve your aesthetic goals and maintain a youthful look for years to come.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.